How can brands adapt to ‘the new normal’?
How have consumers’ expectations changed and how can brands meet them?
Brands that are being seen in a positive light are taking large altruistic steps.
Consumers are expecting brands to pitch in this war against COVID, but striking the right tone is of utmost importance. Brands that strike the wrong chord will be accused of being opportunistic and of piggybacking to promote themselves. Amidst all the chaos that the pandemic has unravelled on individuals, governments and businesses, COVID has given brands the rare opportunity to show their humanity. And the litmus test for brands to reveal their purpose is now.

While these brands have done well and signalled social responsibility, some have missed the mark.

So, what’s the bottom line?
Well, in the last month, we have seen brands responding to immense challenges posed by the pandemic, creatively. What we also see at an unprecedented scale is brand empathy, humility and utility in a way that has never been seen before.
There is a clear desire among consumers for brands to play a crucial role in addressing challenges posed by the pandemic. Brands can contribute to the government’s efforts through partnerships or more importantly, fill in the gaps where the public sector cannot reach. Brands can help consumers at a deeply personal, individual level.
At some point, the world will emerge from the terrible grip of COVID-19, hopefully, sooner rather than later. But, there will be a new normal we return to. People’s expectations would have changed. Brands and businesses that will do well, will be the ones that step up to the situation, take tangible action and contribute to consumer’s lives in creative ways.
Kshiti Gala | Senior Strategist
Plum Insights